Zeal paladin build diablo 2
Zeal paladin build diablo 2

I have done a lot of googling on this topic and there is very little that speaks to skill priority from level 30 to, say, 70 or so.The Engulfed in Flames Paladin focuses on the Holy Fire Offensive Aura, which does periodic fire damage to all Enemies around you and adds Fire Damage to your melee attacks. To my question, which of these skills make the most sense to prioritize starting with a level 40 respec? So dropping Zeal down for now has some appeal if I am not gimping myself in some other way, such as the loss of higher attack rating that higher zeal grants. I will add I have played this zealot enough to recognize that having Zeal above 1 or 2 at this point can get me killed especially in tight quarters when I need to break away. If I respecced right now at 44 I could be at 20 in at least one of primary final skill (either Sacrifice or Zeal) with Fanaticism at 15 and could have one of the others at level 9 I believe. So at level 44 I have a mixed bag, not counting prerequisites, as follows with an unused respec in my pocket: I started this Zealot alternating between Sacrifice and Zeal while also grabbing 1 point in Salvation, 2 Holy Shield (careless mouse click is why more than 1) and 1 point in Defiance.

zeal paladin build diablo 2

I understand Fanaticism has priority from level 30 onward until maxed at 20 skill.

zeal paladin build diablo 2

But I am really not sure which Zealot skills to give priority from 30 or 40 onward as I level and work through Nightmare.

zeal paladin build diablo 2

The Zeal build almost always ends up with the same maxxed skills at 99. To add to the OP’s question, and I think he and I may be wondering the same thing, is how to prioritize skill points after the respec once we reach level 40.

Zeal paladin build diablo 2